четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

FED: Govt invites tenders for USO

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Govt invites tenders for USO

CANBERRA, April 6 AAP - The federal government today invited telecommunications carriers to
tender for the universal service obligation (USO).

Telstra currently has the exclusive right to fulfill the USO which ensures that all
Australians, no matter where they live or work, have access to a standard phone service at a
reasonable cost.

Other carriers contribute to the cost, but after Telstra posted a $1.8 billion claim for
1997-98 its rivals contended they could fulfill the USO more cheaply using modern technology.

The government has introduced legislation to cap the annual USO cost for 1998-99 and
1999-2000 at $253.32 million, the 1996-97 cost plus inflation.

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